
Terminator was originally developed by Chris Jones in 2007 as a simple, 300-ish line python script. Since then, it has become The Robot Future of Terminals. Originally inspired by projects like quadkonsole and gnome-multi-term and more recently by projects like Iterm2, and Tilix, It lets you combine and recombine terminals to suit the style you like. If you live at the command-line, or are logged into 10 different remote machines at once, you should definitely try out Terminator.

  • Github Repo
  • Previews of the theme


    Add text in 'blossom' file to the configuration list at ~/.config/terminator/config

    About BlossomTheme

    A color theme inspired by Japan's vibrant urban environment, blending bright neon tones and metallic elements to evoke a modern and energetic visual atmosphere.