
Blossom Theme for Textadept

  • Github Repo
  • Previews of the theme


    1. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/BlossomTheme/Textadept

    2. Copy blossom.lua to: Your ~/.textadept/themes/ directory. Textadept’s themes/ directory.

      Tip: placing themes in your user data directory avoids the possibility of you overwriting them when you update Textadept. These themes also take precedence over the ones installed with Textadept.

    3. Open init.lua using Edit > Preferences

    4. Add this to it: ```lua if not CURSES then view:set_theme('blossom', {font = 'Monospace', size = 12}) -- You can alternatively use the following to keep the default theme: -- view:set_theme{font = 'Monospace', size = 12} end

    -- Color Java class names black instead of the default yellow. events.connect(events.LEXER_LOADED, function(name) if name ~= 'java' then return end local default_fore = view.style_fore[view.STYLE_DEFAULT] view.style_fore[buffer:style_of_name(lexer.CLASS)] = default_fore end) ``` 5. Restart or reset Textadept 6. Enjoy the new theme!

    About BlossomTheme

    A color theme inspired by Japan's vibrant urban environment, blending bright neon tones and metallic elements to evoke a modern and energetic visual atmosphere.