
BlossomTheme for Windows Terminal

  • Github Repo
  • Previews of the theme


    1. Open Windows Terminal and open Settings (ctrl + ,).

    2. Click Open JSON Settings in the bottom left corner.

    3. In the Windows Terminal settings.json file, locate the schemes section and insert the contents of blossom.json. For example:

    json "schemes": [ { "name": "Blossom", "background": "#10111B", "foreground": "#FF058D", "black": "#0C0C0C", "blue": "#01C8FF", "brightBlack": "#767676", "brightBlue": "#0187FF", "brightCyan": "#76FFF9", "brightGreen": "#00FF7D", "brightPurple": "#8700D9", "brightRed": "#B80034", "brightWhite": "#F2F2F2", "brightYellow": "#FCDD42", "cursorColor": "#FFFFFF", "cyan": "#A0FEFF", "green": "#55FF55", "purple": "#A500FF", "red": "#F70047", "selectionBackground": "#FFFFFF", "white": "#CCCCCC", "yellow": "#FFFF55" } ]

    1. Activate : After defining the color scheme, enable it by adding a colorScheme value to the default profile in the profiles section. Example:

    json "profiles": { "defaults": { "colorScheme" : "Blossom" } }

    1. If the profiles are listed like this:

    json "profiles": [ // list of profiles ]

    Modify it to:

    json "profiles": { "defaults": { "colorScheme": "Blossom" }, "list": [ // list of profiles ] },

    1. Enjoy!

    About BlossomTheme

    An open-source initiative based in Sri Lanka for curating vibrant color themes with accessibility in mind. Our palettes maintain a color contrast ratio of 5.06:1, ensuring readability without compromising aesthetics. Join us in blooming the world of design with thoughtfully crafted, inclusive color schemes.